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The sustainability tool (online and app) allows event (and venue) sustainability managers to intuitively create a sustainability plan and report (pdf/pptx). The tool inspires from existing best cases, and allows to create your own events in your admin-zone in which own event sustainability actions can be stored and changed.
What is unique about the tool is that it works bottom-up, and thus always starts from an existing event sustainability event action that is subsequently linked to one or more event themes and to one or more SDGs. Optionally, that event action can also be linked to ESG, making the planning and reporting even more in line with CSRD.
This approach is also in line with the SDG Compass, but does not follow exactly the order of the proposed steps. The inspirational sustainable event actions are actually already in step 4 ‘Integrating.’ The other steps such as ‘Setting goals’ (step 3) and ‘Defining priorities’ (step 2), can then be built from step 4.
Even if reporting is not mandatory, the 12th SDG (Responsible consumption and production) calls for integrating as much sustainability information as possible into the reporting cycle. This is what this tools helps event- and sustainability managers to do in a disruptively convenient way.
There is a proof of concept of the tool that serves to (1) investigate the feasibility of the concept, and (2) also serves to find possible partners for the roll-out of the concept.
If interested in a pitch just contact Peter Decuypere: or by phone +32(0)475 71 09 13
Link to the proof of concept page (password protected).
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